Larry Rosenstock - Our Advisors

Larry Rosenstock

School Advisor

Larry Rosenstock is CEO and founding principal of High Tech High, a network of sixteen K-12 public charter schools in California,  and is the Special Advisor to the President of the HTH Graduate School of Education. Larry taught carpentry in urban high schools in Boston and Cambridge and was principal  of the Rindge School of Technical Arts, and of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.  A member of the Massachusetts and U.S. Supreme Court Bars, he served as an attorney  at the Harvard Center for Law and Education, and was an instructor at the Harvard  Graduate School of Education and at the University Of California at Berkeley. He  directed the federal New Urban High School Project. Larry and his work have been  featured on Oprah, Lehrer, Newsweek, and Forbes. He is a winner of the Ford  Foundation Innovations in State and Local Government Award, is an Ashoka Fellow, was  awarded the McGraw Prize in Education and is the 2019 World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Laureate.